HSI Grants

SHD provides one-year competitive grants to community-based organizations to support health & wellness programs in local school districts. Our Healthy Schools Initiative grants provides funding for programs that address a wide range of important health areas. These health areas include: social emotional support services, preventive education/health screening, physical education/activity, and nutrition education.
We have identified the following as high priority health issues:
- Counseling & Social Emotional Development
- Health Literacy & Physical Activity
- Family Engagement & Community Involvement
- Food & Nutrition
HSI Grants Timeline
FEB* | LETTER OF INTENT (LOI) DUE February 14th (Valentine's Day) by 5pm |
APR* | FULL APPLICATION DUE April 15th (Tax Day) by 5pm |
MAY* | The Grants Review Committee will meet to discuss full applications in mid-May. |
JUN* | Board to vote on grants recommendations at the June Board Meeting |
JAN** | MID-YEAR REPORTS DUE January 15th by 5pm |
JUN** | END-YEAR REPORTS DUE June 15th by 5pm |
*Grant Cycle Year
**Following Year