School Nurse Credential Scholarship

School Nurse Program
The purpose of the School Nurse Credential Scholarship Program is to provide scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a minimum two-year .5 FTE service commitment at an eligible school district within Sequoia Healthcare District boundaries. A participant will agree to sign a contract with a local school district upon award of a school nurse credential and serve the full length of the contract. All participants will be expected to fulfill their service obligation. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of scholarship funds and repayment of any disbursed funds to Sequoia Healthcare District.

The Application Process
- Service:
Participants will have the opportunity to increase access to care by delivering critical nursing services to local school districts. - Scholarship:
The program will provide a reimbursement of up $5,000 toward costs already incurred toward school nurse credential while working at eligible school district.

- Must meet the requirements for admission to a school nurse credential program; and
- Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time or part-time student in an accredited school nursing program.
- If a continuing student, maintain a minimum GPA and units to be considered a student of good standing as defined by the school nurse credential program.
Recipients of the SHD Nursing Scholarship:
2018 – Kelly Muenzen, Las Lomitas School District
2018 – Kristin Coronado, Sequoia Union High School District
2020 – Heidi Flagg, Sequoia Union High School District
2021 – Lisa Cox, Redwood City School District
2022 – Lianne Jemelian, Menlo Park City School District
For more information and to apply for the Nursing Scholarship, contact Ann Wasson, Director of School Health at (650) 421-2155 x 204 or